Hegza Game Apps

Gray and Green 1.1
Hegza Game
Planet Mundar has two seperate land mass.Itwas a river which seperates two cities.Ahh..the coloured magicriver.One day,a terrible disaster came to the Proton Kingdom's cheerfulcitizens,who had colourfull life once.A hooded mysterious wizardwho comes from Neutron City.Destroyed all colours of the ProtonKingdom.All People was running around in panic.Except one of themMumly..Oohh.My little Mumly.He was full of colour and kindnessbecause he had fell into the colour river.AND NOW! All our lives depend on him.
Klas Bilgi Yarışması 1.1
Hegza Game
İçerisindeki 6500 e yakın soru ile kendinizitest edin.In 6500 close to the testyourself with the question.
Snap Balloons 1.1
Hegza Game
Did you know that the balloons alsohavespirit? Of course they have not. Except this game. Puncturethemwhen they come to the color of itself. Round up spirits,buypowerups. Do the highest score!